The Best Virginia Tech Student Apartments For You At Alight Blacksburg
There are so many things to consider when looking for a place to live. Different neighborhoods, price ranges, amenities - the list goes on! As a student makes their way through college or university, finding a safe and affordable place can be difficult. If you're looking for student apartments in Blacksburg, VA, visit Alight Blacksburg today for Virginia Tech student apartments.
Keep it up! Great Service but in the morning it can be very loud because of grass cutting machine.
Daniella Contreras
February 20, 2024
I've lived at Alight for almost 2 years now and i have nothing but good things to say regarding the management & maintenance team. My overall experience within my 3rd level apartment unit have been nothing but positive. I'd highly recommend Alight to any VT student looking for a place to call home.
Pranish Somyajula
February 20, 2024
I personally loved the place, its furnished, and everything worked out very well for me, with little to no problem.
Paulina Salazar Ballesteros
February 20, 2024
Great place
Cali Desormeau
February 20, 2024
I have lived here since August of last year and have really enjoyed my space. Our apartment was clean and ready at move in and maintenance is always very quick to get to my apartment. The office staff is super friendly and has always been great for answering my long list of questions. Excited for what the next year holds!
Questions and Answers
Q:(Traduit par Google) La télévision par câble est incluse dans les frais de location des appartements du village de l'Est. Les résidents paient-ils les frais d’eau et d’électricité au complexe ? Ou doivent-ils créer des comptes auprès du fournisseur ?
Is cable tv included in rental fee for east village apartments. Do residents pay the complex the water and electricity fees? Or do they have to create accounts with supplier?
Thank you
(Traduit par Google) N'oubliez pas d'envoyer vos listes de tâches et de tuer la journée dès aujourd'hui ! Votre travail acharné ne passe pas inaperçu
Don't forget to send your to do lists and kill the day today! Your hard work is not going unnoticed
SScion Group
1 year ago
(Traduit par Google) Bro, je n'habite pas ici, c'est mauvais
Bro don’t live here it’s bad
TTravis Fuller
2 years ago
Q:Is cable tv included in rental fee for east village apartments. Do residents pay the complex the water and electricity fees? Or do they have to create accounts with supplier?
Thank you
Don't forget to send your to do lists and kill the day today! Your hard work is not going unnoticed